Action Not Words

Action Not Words Win Wars
We Conservative Believers don’t lack instruction, either in our Conservatism or in our religious Beliefs, what we lack is the conviction to ACT on the instructions we all already have.
It is false and pernicious to say otherwise. Many supposedly good intentioned people think, (particularly our “leaders,”) and say, on a continual basis, that all we need to do as a people is to instruct ourselves more, inform ourselves more, teach ourselves more, and exhort ourselves more, when what we really need to do is organize ourselves more, and do it in a disciplined way, and then ACT a lot more in attacking the declared and undeclared foes of our already well understood values. We have become a lazy people, and a lazy people never won a war.
We lack, in short, the will to fight for what has been bequeathed to us, by our God, and our Country.
We are largely, in effect, cowardly lazy uncommitted bums who just will not fight, but would rather instead talk about fighting, or talk about what we are supposed to be fighting for, or repeatedly limiting ourselves to quoting either the Bible or former Patriots, as though invoking these hallowed words will gain us either victory in battle or God's favor. Words alone will gain us neither.
What Believing Conservatives need to do is take a vow of silence until we get our intestinal fortitude shaped up, and our fighting battalions organized, disciplined trained and deployed. All many seem to want to do is use their tongue, and not the rest of their body and other resources that God gave them.
Talk never accomplished anything. It takes boots on the ground to confound the enemy, and take and hold the ground God and our Founders granted us because of our willingness to “Pledge our Lives, our Fortunes and our Sacred Honor” so as to deserve it.
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Other FC Links: http://hdqs.Blogspot.Com 
Contact: FounderChurch@Gmail.Com 

PrecinctParty Checklist

PrecinctParty Checklist

Precincts Need:

Computerization: To track the performance of each Precinct, Block or Section. 

Education: To create a cadre body that is well informed. 

Funding: To enable the work to proceed effectively. 

Goals: To know where what bench marks we are aiming for. 

Image: To Improve the Image of Precinct Officers and Precincts. 

Legal Standing: To understand exactly what our rights, and obligations are. 

Organization: To bring people together to make this happen. 

Philosophy: To understand the vital role of the Precinct past, present and future. 

Plan for Victory: To Focus on winning for which there is not substitute. 

Resources: To focus on the fund raising that this will require. 

Respect: To earn the respect Precincts and Precinct Officers should have. 

Vision: To embrace the vision of what we are all about. 

Precinct Reform

Precinct Reform

We propose to begin the process of revitalization, and reform of the Political Process in our Precincts with a single basic concept. Concentrate entirely on building Precinct Power, for that is the only power of the people in our nation, and it is something that has been intentionally neglected by both Parties, for a long time,  under the leadership of the elites. This cannot continue.

Obama is presently in the White House because he used a variation of the "Chicago Precinct System" to sweep the Country. This is the little publicized aspect that was the key to his victory. The Chicago System is just a tool that any party can use. The mechanics are more or less ideologically neutral. Fundamentally, it means ORGANIZING the Precincts.

The reform and repair of our Precinct System will require, as it proceeds, an expanded base of resources and funding. It can, and probably should, start with a small pilot project (among other efforts,) as test marketing research project designed to produce the experimental templates that can, when tested and perfected, be applied in any County and State.

It is absolutely necessary to secure funding, and other resources, from those persons and organizations most interested in achieving these kinds of results. Hopefully, funding sources would include the RNC Republican National Committee, and the various campaign committees of the Senate and the House, State level organizations interested in their own states, County level organizations, and private organizations across a wide spectrum of interests ranging among religious organizations, business interests, individual activists, political donors of every stripe, and others.

All such groups and individuals are more than welcome to assist in creating the structure, goals, procedures and purposes of PrecinctParty projects, and to benefit from the revitalization of our political bone and muscle.

PrecinctParty presently is a non-profit religious organization designed to encourage religious minded individuals and organizations to participate more fully in the civil government political process. This will include registering eligible persons to vote, and urging them to inform themselves concerning the the various candidates and issues put before them, who are seeking their votes.

PrecinctParty as presently structured will endorse no specific candidates, or lobby for or against specific legislation. It is a grass roots organizing effort that is issues oriented, along religious, educational and charitable lines. It is seeking to simply revitalize and elevate the Precinct structure in American politics, which has been substantially overlooked, underfunded, and neglected heretofore.

The Precinct is the closest level of government to the people, and needs to focus on being relevant, in order to increase the quantity and quality of participation in the democratic process. One can say, "Good government grows out of the barrel of the Precinct." By its very nature the Precinct depends upon volunteers whose ancillary functions are serving as poll watchers and general conduits between the people of the neighborhoods and the political and governmental process all the way to national level. It is the premier lobbying organization on behalf of the ordinary people attempting to "redress grievances." 

To begin this task, raising seed money is essential. Thus we call on all those who can, to support this vital work with their time and resources. 

Precinct Re-Organization Plan

Precinct Re-Organization Plan 

PrecinctParty.Blogspot.Com rebuilding plan is a prototype proposal. Therefore, it is necessarily a work in progress, which by definition, is subject to change and improvement. 

There are a number of templates that can be developed to accomplish our essential purpose here. 

One version would have us function essentially as a non-partisan organization intended to strengthen the Precinct system across party lines, as a civic betterment project. We could accomplish most of our goals within that framework.

Another template would be to have a partisan organization that focused entirely and overtly on strengthening the Republican Precinct System. Either way would work, or both ways can proceed at the same time. Presently, there is somewhat of a mixture of these being tried, but from our point of view they are way to little, less than effective.

No one should be put-off by the overlapping nature of these two approaches and every individual interested in this Civic Betterment Project should feel free to work utilizing both approaches by focusing on the fundamental purpose of this cause which serves us Conservatives well by improving people control of the Precinct System of the nation generally. Look on it as a golden chance to work with those of good will on the opposite side across the aisle so to speak.

It is not a bad  idea to let the ordinary folks in each party work together to create a political system which is more controlled by the Precincts rather than run by the bosses to their own benefit instead of ours. The watchdog function of the Precincts is an invaluable check on the politicians selling us out to line their own pockets. The goal of revitalizing the Precincts will increase the power of the Conservatives over the Republican establishment and elites.

A good example, is ACORN, (Obama's shock troops in the campaign,) which despite their strong Democrat bias, have maintained their non-profit status though it all.

Strengthening the Precinct System in the nation, will help the rank and file control the sell-out elites in both political parties.  

Precinct Party Mission

Precinct Party Mission

Our Mission should be to rebuild and revitalize the Precinct System along the lines that great Conservatives like Ronald Reagan envisioned. Note: He was a Believing Conservative, not just a Conservative, much less a "Fiscal" Conservative, but also not just a Believer, but a Conservative Believer. He was a Believing Conservative as were the Founders and all great Americans.

Note: Revitalization of our Precincts is, by its nature, bi-partisan, even though the resulting Precincts are used for partisan purposes. It is in this spirit that we approach this daunting task, for in the end, our work is in service to all of America, and our God. Fact is, both parties in our two party system are under-served by their upper echelon leadership and this can work in our favor as we try to organize our people.

RR was NOT just a "fiscal conservative" in the destructive and divisive sense of  being opposed to Social Conservatism, nor was he a Libertarian, nor did he ascribe to any divisive Third Party ideas. Consequently, we Believing Conservatives, being followers of a long line of Believing Conservative thinkers and leaders, throughout world history, understandably, want to pursue organizing at the Precinct level our like minded folks. 

We are determined to concentrate on organizing our people in our Precincts to influence and lead our Country. We are determined to no longer be excluded from the halls of power in our own Country.

This sort of discriminatory divisiveness between the "Grass Roots" and the upper level Grass itself, goes way back at least to Taft versus TR, and later to the Rockefeller wing of the party, taking a high handed approach to the "little people." Since then there are rampant examples in both parties. We want none of that, and suggest for our part that those supposedly among us who are uncomfortable being Conservative Believers, seek Liberal alternatives where they will feel more at home. We will do better without them.

Conservatives need Believers more than Believers need Conservatives. No Conservative could ever win any election without the Religious voters, and their loyalty, nor should they, and no Religious person has any meaningful voice, or any way to “render unto Caesar” without being informed and led by Conservative principles. For just as any Conservative who feels uncomfortable with religious people is free to find a home in the Democrat Party, any Believer is free to find a forum for their beliefs in the Democrat Party. 

In a democratic Republic, every religious person must understand that he and she ARE Caesar. So you want o know who Caesar is, it is you. You name is appended to the bottom of every law and regulation promulgated under the auspices of our “government.” So, if you are be “signing” your name to every law, regulation and practice of Caesar, then you better do your due diligence to ensure it is a Godly and good act.

Interestingly enough, both parties seem to have the same Precinct problem, which is the overlordship of the elite "Grass" disregarding the will of the so-called “Grass-Roots” which itself is a misnomer. The good and godly people of this Country are not the "Grass-roots," they are The Whole Entire Grass itself. It is demeaning all by itself to even be called the “Grass Roots.” We are not merely the "roots," that supply the votes, sweat labor and money, we are the whole plant or we are nothing. Grass is a  product of the roots, not the other way around. Without the roots the grass dies, but without the grass the roots can produce more overnight. 

Naturally, anyone is welcome to vote as they please based on what they think and believe, but they are not welcome to control other people’s vote and resources without their informed consent and imput. On our side of the fence, everyone who affiliates and joins with us must be both Conservatives and Believers, not just one, but both.

Let it also be clearly stated, that we oppose, absolutely, and without qualification, all forms of  Religious, Racial, Gender, or Ethnic Bigotry in our ranks, and that we will not tolerate such in any way, shape or form. America was founded on precepts of Liberty for all citizens, which are clearly enunciated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.  On the other hand we, as an organization, must have requirements that every one of us be Conservative Believers. That is the only litmus test for leadership among us. 

And we must entertain no Third Party types, no Moderate, Liberal or Progressive types, and no Fiscal Conservatives, as separate from Social Conservatives, and no Social Conservatives as separate from Fiscal Conservatives, period.

Everyone is welcome to vote the way we vote and contribute their money and resources to advance causes we advocate, but we must stand for something, and be for something, or we are nothing. Therefore, we must have some strong qualifying conditions for leadership positions among ourselves.  

Therefore we do welcome Pro-Family, Pro-Life, Pro-2nd Amendment,  Pro-American Sovereignty, Pro-Constitution, Pro-Freedom of Choice in Education, Pro-Large Family, and many other groups that embrace our principles. Along with those who are Pro-Environmentalist,  (This because, we, according to the Holy Books, are responsible custodians and stewards of all that is in, and on, the earth.)

We also welcome those who are Anti-Abortion, and Anti-Contraception across the board, (specifically because we favor larger intact godly conservative families to preserve and protect this nation.) The low birth rate among Conservative Believers is not helpful to this nation's security, well-being and safety, and is definitely displeasing to God. We also endanger all of us, and  each other, by practices, and methods that reduce our families to below the level that is even a family.

And we are Pro-Constitution because we only have one Constitution, and it was and is intended for only one people. It is the best guide and protection against tyranny ever devised by mankind to protect, preserve and promote a people.  

The precinct is smallest governmental unit, and yet the most important in our nation, except for the family, and the individual. Taken together these are the basic building blocks of our society. We have, in America today, 50 States, 3,141 Counties, about 170,000 Precincts,  and 100 million eligible voters. That is an average of approximately 750 eligible voters per Precinct.

The Precinct is the lowest-level MCD, (Minor Civil Division,) in the United States. Precincts usually do not have separate governmental authority, (although they have had it in the past, and can, and should, have it in the future).

For purposes of conducting elections, (which elections represent, essentially, the entire will of the people in a representative democratic Republic) civil divisions of States such as Counties, Cities, Towns, Townships, and Villages are typically subdivided into precincts. These divisions of authority and rights, vary by State. Each voter's address is assigned to a specific precinct, and each precinct has a specific location where its residents go to vote. Sometimes several precincts will use the same polling station depending on practical matters like population density and voter turn-out.

A 2004 survey by the United States Election Assistance Commission reported an average precinct size in the United States of approximately 1,100 registered voters. Kansas had the smallest average precinct size with 437 voters per precinct, while the District of Columbia had the largest average size at 2,704 voters per precinct.  

Political parties, usually at the County level, often designate individuals, known by various titles such as "Precinct Captain", "Precinct Committee Officer", "Precinct Chairman" or "Precinct Chair" to help them keep track of what the voters in a Precinct feel about candidates and issues, and to encourage people to vote for their Party. But they also serve, even more importantly, as deciders in nomination battles inside each party. These are the minimum things Precincts and their leaders do, but there is no limit as to the maximum. Leaders of Precincts also often serve on County Central Committees of their party. 

Precinct are often represented by a Precinct Captains, but the leaders in Precinct can be called by other titles as well, such as Precinct Chair, Vice Chair and so on. Wider involvement should be encouraged. The term Captain may be a bit dated for some, so Country Committees should be flexible to meet their needs, and reward these warriors in every way possible. These Precinct workers are the royalty of every party, and should be treated as such. 

The vitality and power of a Precinct is in direct proportion to how much time, energy and resources the Precinct Officers devote to serving the electorate in these Precincts. At the highest and best level of organization for service, Precinct can be, and should, authorized to elect their own Precinct officials. Precincts can, and should, be encouraged to band together in larger units of common interest, anything to strengthen themselves.

Note: (not without significance) Religiously, the word “Precinct” can also refer to the ground (sometimes considered consecrated ground) surrounding a religious house, or place of worship. Such was the case in ancient Rome, and in other places.

The best Internet access to information regarding Precincts is to Google “Republican Committee,” and variations on that. One such is:

Games People Play

Games People Play

People love to play Games. (Don’t Sports rule?) Thus they talk past each other intent on enjoying the fantasy game that constitutes their life, not really interested in the reality of what is actually going on around them, much less their, and their friends and cohorts, role in causing, and failing to cure, the root causes of all the pain and misery that they complain about non-stop.  It’s like the old saw, “Everyone complains about the weather, but no one does anything about it.”

Fact is, “they” are not interested in getting to the ROOT of our nation’s problems, but rather just want to bemoan them, which is the easy way out. And while we can all appreciate the attractiveness of the non-stop, and very enjoyable, "ain't it awful" lifestyle, we should actually be much, much more interested in going straight to the CAUSE and CURE of these "horrible" things that everyone shouts incessantly about all the time. But, no, that would require work, both mental and physical, plus the actual pain of doing something about things, and that would spoil the “fun” of just treating everything as a enjoyable games.

The realistic approach is absolutely not the popular thing to do, because human nature never wants to look its real problems directly in the face, and then face their own role, individually and collectively, in causing these problems. And they are even much less interested in taking on the burden of facing squarely the cause, and the “pain” of correcting these things.

Take, for example immigration, and all the problems and pain surrounding it. We wouldn’t have this pain and problem if WE had had the numbers of children required to do our own work. But, oh no, having those children would have been painful and troublesome, so we took the easy way out, and birth-controlled our children out of existence. Then we whine night and day that these “stinky” immigrants, legal and illegal, are taking over our country, blah, blah, blah.  Fact is, you just can’t systematically kill your own children in a gigantic genocidal holocaust and then expect to keep your country. Yet, that is the “head in the sand” mentality of almost everyone. It’s called trying to have your cake and eat it to.

Sorry, but we should train ourselves to be inveterate realists, as opposed to most people simply wanting the sense of security that comes from living, and wanting to live, and enjoying living, in a fantasy world that is based, either on denial that bad things are happening, and/or denial of the fundamental causes and cures of these bad things happening. It is so much easier to either deny bad things are happening, or after admitting they are happening to deny their actual cause and cure. To take this insane route is a study in pain avoidance psychology at work.

If you say boo about this to most people, it is like you are ruining the fun of the game by injecting a bit of reality into the game. To call attention to unpopular truth, you are labelled a party-pooper, spoil sport, or a grim faced “downer.” Games are so much less stressful than actually living real life as it is, which is why people constantly play all sorts of games, such that their lives become one long interconnected series of games. On the bright side, maybe they die happy. And that may be true, but on the down side, no self-respecting God would want them anywhere around in His heaven, and that is for sure.

One thing is for sure. 99% plus of all talking heads, and writers, including all politicians, preachers, and pundits, play along with these deception games that the entire public want. The unwritten rule is that they can bemoan, and bewail, and “ain’t it awful us to death, to their heart’s content, but they can never, never utter a word about the real causes and cures for our pain. That would be to break the rules, and NONE of them, Right, Left, or Center dare to break that rule, or they would quickly be out of a job. The public will not stand for having their noses rubbed in their own mess. This game is sometimes called, “I’m OK, Your OK...”

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